Hi, I’m Malena Metz
Founder of SOLEWATER.CO and here on a mission…

I'm an Executive Coach and Master Mentor who has been working with clients, businesses and families for over 7 years now. When I am not working I am also a wife, mother and adventurer, chasing the sunshine and fresh air every chance I get.
I’ve always approached things differently, which has landed me exactly where I need to be. I majored in four different, but interconnected concepts of knowledge - Thinking, feeling, intuition, and sensation which is seamlessly integrated into my work. I am in the business of empowerment more than anything.
What sets me apart from the rest of the “coaches” out there is my toolbox. My arsenal of skills that allow me to see below the surface, read between the lines, and know you better than you may know yourself. Astrology is my main arsenal. It’s the mathematics of the stars that allow my approach to be 100% personalized catered to you and only you. There is no one size fits all, there is the fluidity of my translation that brings you the knowledge to get to know yourself and your potential like never before.
This work is the greatest gift you could ever give yourself. Let me introduce you to you and unlock your greatest asset, time. Time to live your life to the fullest.

In a world full of biases, full of every person for themselves, in the mindset of we’re either together or apart… Polarity, extremes, and almost all our focus external on what others can change, we constantly keep ourselves entrapped and isolated. I’m here to shatter that and bring you back to yourself: In personal life, work, and home.
Let’s jump in.
Ask yourself what’s really stopping you. At the end of the day, you hold the power to change your story.
Why wait?